The return of the lesser spotted blogger

Wow. Where did February go? I know I spent a lot of working hours getting ready for my shop’s year end, but still, my previous post was weeks ago! I did have some fun in between the stock counts and the filing, especially last weekend when my husband and Daniel left me all alone for a Dads & Kids camping weekend. A friend our ours started this little tradition a few years ago by taking the kids away to a campsite not too far from Johannesburg for a weekend of swimming, bicycle riding and sleeping in tents. It has grown in popularity (not least because of enthusiastic mom support – see below) to the point where this year they were 11 dads and 31 kids, the youngest of which was 18 months old!! One of the dads sums up the weekend by saying that dads just have to make sure they adhere to two simple rules: 1. Return with the same amount of kids you left with. 2. You can come back and say the child broke his arm falling of his bike, but heaven help you if the child has sunburn… J

And let me tell you, the moms were as excited as the children! I ended up having a gorgeous weekend, spending Saturday morning at the Westcliff hotel for a Morning Tea, taking my friends on a bit of an inner-city discovery and ending the day with a lovely baby shower that my girlfriends threw for me. So, I will share all of this with you in the next week. In the meantime, have a fantastic Monday!

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