A Toast to the French

My brother is married to a French girl. Before that he had a French-Canadian girlfriend, and before that another French girlfriend. Can you see the pattern here?!

Anyway, this picture got me thinking about my husband’s favourite breakfast – French toast. But - try offering FRENCH TOAST to all these French people I now hang out with thanks to mon frère and see how they stare at you as if you just landed from space!

It seems French toast is a very American thing with the maple syrup added by the Canadians. In France they have something similar, called pain perdu, which means “lost bread”. Originally, people in France made what we would call French toast from stale baguettes in order to make use of bread that would otherwise have been thrown away. The bread is dipped into a mixture of eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. But the big difference in France is that they consider this as a country style dessert and will never eat it at breakfast.

And so, if you ever happen to hang out with a real French person, and you are so sans culture to ask for French toast, be prepared to be told that what makes it “French” is the fact that un Français popped it into the toaster for you!

Image credits: 1) French by Design

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